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We have only had 3 (three) main obverse types for our medals and these are displayed below for each metal type. | 
|  | 1996 - First Five Years Medal (Copper Obv.) | Common Obverse used from 1999 to 2011 (Copper) | 
|  | 2006 - 15 Year Medal (Copper Obv.) (Bi-metallic Rev.) | Common Obverse used from 1999 to 2011 (Silver) | | 
|  | Common Obverse used from 2012 The "Norfolk" (Silver) | Special Issue "S" Obverse used in 2013 (Brass) | 
|  | Common Obverse used from 2013 The "Norfolk" (Brass) | Common Obverse used from 2013 The "Norfolk" (Aluminium) | | Our Reverse sides of our medals were specifically designed for the occasion and are displayed below for each medal produced.. 
|  | 1996 - The First Five Years Commemorative Medal (Copper) | 2001 - Commemorates Ten Years 1991-2001 (Copper) | 
|  | 1999 - Bicentenary of the naming of Redcliffe by Matthew Flinders. 1799 - 1999 (Silver) | 1999 - Bicentenary of the naming of Redcliffe by Matthew Flinders. 1799 - 1999 (Copper) | | 
|  | 2006 - 15 Year Medal (Copper Bi-metallic Rev). | 2009 - Queensland Sequicentenary 1959 - 2009 (Silver) | 
|  | 2009 - Queensland Sequicentenary 1959 - 2009 (Copper) | 2011 - Commemorating 20 Years (Silver) | | 
|  | 2011 - Commemorating 20 Years (Copper) | 2011 - Commemorating 20 Years (Aluminium)) | 
|  | 2013 - Our 250th Meeting - December, 2013 (Silver) | 2013 - Our 250th Meeting - December, 2013 (Brass) | | 
|  | War Declared 1914 (Aluminium) | 1914 Light Horse Sails for Egypt (Aluminium) | 
|  | 2015 Dungaree Army Recruiting March (Aluminium.) | 100 Years ago ANZACS landed on Gallipoli - April, 1915 (Aluminium) | | 
|  | 1916 ANZAC Mounted Division Decisive battles won in the Sinai Peninsula (Aluminium)) | 1917 Light Horse Takes Beersheba (Aluminium) | 
|  | 11th November,1918 The Great War Ends (Aluminium) | 2015 - Anzac Centenary - Aboriginal Light Horsemen Alice Springs (Aluminium | | 
|  | 2015 - Merry Christmas . Happy New Year 2015-2016 (Copper) | 2015 - Merry Christmas . Happy New Year 2015-2016 (Silver) | 
|  | 2016 - 25th Anniversary of Redcliffe Coin and Phonecard Club (Aged Copper) | 2016 - 25th Anniversary of Redcliffe Coin and Phonecard Club (Silver) | | 
|  |
|  | 2018 - 300th Meeting and 230th Anniversay of First Fleet (Zinc Alloy Gold Coloured) | 2018 - Lest We Forget 11th Hour, 11th Day,11th Month 1918-2018 (Zinc Alloy Coloured) | | To purchase any of our available medals click here. Click here to return to Photo Gallery Menu. |  |  | Copyright © The Redcliffe Coin and Phonecard Club (Inc.), 2016. Original content in these pages is copyright. Apart from any use permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be produced by any process or other exclusive right exercised without permission of the copyright holder. The Redcliffe Coin and Phonecard Club Inc. takes no responsibility for the content on external Internet sites. Site design by Designs4u Creative Websites,Graphic Design & Photography Solutions | |  |  | | | | | |