Hammered coinage is the most common form of coins produced since the invention of coins in the first millennium BC until the early modern period of the 15th–17th centuries, contrasting to the very rare cast coinage and the later developed milled coinage. (Wikipedia)
The Saxons - Kings of Northumbria - Aethelred ll 843-844 Redvvulf 843-844
Kings of Mercisa - Offa 792-796
Alfred the Great - Viking Imitation
King of all England - Athelstan 924-939
King William I 1066-1087
King Stephen 1135-1154
King Henry II 1154-1189 - Tealby
King Edward I 1272-1307- Halfs and Forths
King Arnold V 1279-1323 - Brussels Continental imitation
King Edward II 1307-1327 Continental imitation
King John I 1310-1346 - Bohemia (John the Blind)
Ec Moneta Nostra 1320-1322 Continental imitation - ECMONETANOSTRA can be translated as "This is our money.Most sterlings have a "Lvntolengien" reverse which also occurs on sterlings in the name of Ferry IV of Lorraine. This could suggest that the Duke of Lorraine may have had a hand in the issue.